Dr. Patience Lilian OZOR

Igbinedion University Okada

Dr. Patience Lilian OZOR

Lecturer 1

COLLEGE: Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan College of Arts and Social Sciences

DEPARTMENT: Economics & Development Studies

INSTITUTIONAL EMAIL: [email protected]

AFFILIATIONS/LINKAGES: Liverpool John Moores University

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Agricultural Economics, Development Economics, health Economics

COURSES LECTURED:  Introduction to Economic Development (DES 111), History & Structure of Nigeria Economy I & II (ECO 213 & 223), Health Economics, Economics Planning (ECO 423)

GOOGLE SCHOLAR:  https://scholar.Google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Jce8FzEAAAAJ



Has Bachelor and Masters of Agric Degrees in Agricultural Economics from University of Benin & Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB) respectively; and Masters of Science & a PhD degree in Economics (Development Economics) from Igbinedion University Okada. A Post-Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (NTI) in 2008, also has a Professional Certificate in Project Management. She has over fifteen publications in reputable journals local and international including European Journal of Business and Management, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, Management and Economics Research Journal, Sub Saharan African Journal of Development and Administration, The International Journal of Entrepreneurship Studies, African Journal of Politics and Diplomacy, Centre Beninios de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Confluence Journal of Economics and Allied Sciences etc. Conferences and workshops attended including International Conference on Economic Integration & Financial Deepening Organised by African Development Bank – West Africa Institute for Financial and Economic Management, Annual Conference of the Nigerian Economic Society in Partnership with the African Development Bank (ADB) on Optimizing Value Chain In The Agricultural Sector In Nigeria, Policy Dialogue on Leveraging Agricultural Value Chain in Nigeria Organised by the office of the Vice President. The African Capacity Building Foundation, Advanced Digital Appreciation Programme for Tertiary Institution (ADAPTI). Training Organised by Digital bridge Institute etc. currently lecturing at Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State with over 15 years teaching experience.


  • Ph.D
  • M.Sc
  • BSc