COLLEGE: College of Natural and Applied Sciences
DEPARTMENT: Biochemistry
INSTITUTIONAL EMAIL: [email protected]
AREA OF INTEREST: Micronutrient Nutrition /Public Health Nutrition
RESEARCH INTEREST: Micronutrient Nutrition , Clinical Nutrition,and Food Chemistry
AFFILIATION / LINKAGE: Nutrition Society of Nigeria ,Google Scholar, Web of Science Research,Researchgate,Academia
Google Scholar link. : d?view_op=list_works&hl=en& user=2B13BVgAAAAJ
Obtained Ph.D in Nutrition and Food Science from the University of Calabar in 2009. Has twenty four years of cognate experience in the Industry. Worked at different periods at the junior , middle, senior and Executive Management levels with the Unilever Group and Dunlop Group (Pamol Nigeria Ltd). Worked as Plantation Manager Rubber and Oil Palm plantations. Managed the plastics Factory (1985-2009). Consults for the Raw Materials Research and Development Council of Nigeria. Taught at the College of Education, Benin City between 1980 and 1985 before joining Pamol Nigeria Ltd. Was the Director of the Benin Study Centre of the National Open University of Nigeria between August 2010 and October 2017. Taught at Novena University , Ogume to Delta State betwy 2017 and 2018. Joined Igbinedion University, Okada Nigeria in November 2019 as a staff at the Department of Biochemistry as a Senior Lecturer till date.